
expect interface Driver(source)

Driver interface. This is the internal interface

actual interface Driver(source)

Driver interface. This is the internal interface

actual interface Driver(source)

Driver interface. This is the internal interface


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expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion


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expect abstract val activeRenderTarget: RenderTarget
actual abstract val activeRenderTarget: RenderTarget
actual abstract val activeRenderTarget: RenderTarget
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expect abstract val contextID: Long
actual abstract val contextID: Long
actual abstract val contextID: Long
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expect abstract val fontImageMapManager: FontMapManager
actual abstract val fontImageMapManager: FontMapManager
actual abstract val fontImageMapManager: FontMapManager
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expect abstract val properties: DriverProperties

Represents the configuration properties for a driver. This object encapsulates various settings and preferences related to the driver's behavior, connection settings, and other operational parameters.

actual abstract val properties: DriverProperties
actual abstract val properties: DriverProperties
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expect abstract val shaderGenerators: ShaderGenerators
actual abstract val shaderGenerators: ShaderGenerators
actual abstract val shaderGenerators: ShaderGenerators
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expect abstract val shaderLanguage: ShaderLanguage

Represents a shader language used in graphical programming or rendering pipelines. This variable holds the specific type or version of the shader language being utilized. This variable plays a crucial role in identifying the type of shader syntax to use for compiling and running shaders.

actual abstract val shaderLanguage: ShaderLanguage
actual abstract val shaderLanguage: ShaderLanguage


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expect abstract fun clear(color: ColorRGBa)

Clears the current graphical context with the specified color.

actual abstract fun clear(color: ColorRGBa)
actual abstract fun clear(color: ColorRGBa)
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expect abstract fun createArrayCubemap(    width: Int,     layers: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int = 1,     session: Session? = ArrayCubemap

Creates an array cubemap texture with the specified dimensions, format, type, and number of mipmap levels.

actual abstract fun createArrayCubemap(width: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): ArrayCubemap
actual abstract fun createArrayCubemap(width: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): ArrayCubemap
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expect abstract fun createArrayTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     layers: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int = 1,     session: Session? = ArrayTexture

Creates a 2D array texture with the specified dimensions, format, type, and number of mipmap levels.

actual abstract fun createArrayTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     layers: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): ArrayTexture
actual abstract fun createArrayTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     layers: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): ArrayTexture
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expect abstract fun createAtomicCounterBuffer(counterCount: Int, session: Session? = AtomicCounterBuffer

Creates an atomic counter buffer with the specified number of counters.

actual abstract fun createAtomicCounterBuffer(counterCount: Int, session: Session?): AtomicCounterBuffer
actual abstract fun createAtomicCounterBuffer(counterCount: Int, session: Session?): AtomicCounterBuffer
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expect abstract fun createBufferTexture(elementCount: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, session: Session? = BufferTexture

Creates a buffer texture for storing and operating on image or pixel data.

actual abstract fun createBufferTexture(elementCount: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, session: Session?): BufferTexture
actual abstract fun createBufferTexture(elementCount: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, session: Session?): BufferTexture
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expect abstract fun createColorBuffer(    width: Int,     height: Int,     contentScale: Double,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled,     levels: Int = 1,     session: Session? = ColorBuffer

Creates a color buffer with the specified dimensions, format, and other parameters.

actual abstract fun createColorBuffer(    width: Int,     height: Int,     contentScale: Double,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     multisample: BufferMultisample,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): ColorBuffer
actual abstract fun createColorBuffer(    width: Int,     height: Int,     contentScale: Double,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     multisample: BufferMultisample,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): ColorBuffer
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expect abstract fun createComputeShader(code: String, name: String, session: Session? = ComputeShader

Creates a compute shader from the provided source code.

actual abstract fun createComputeShader(code: String, name: String, session: Session?): ComputeShader
actual abstract fun createComputeShader(code: String, name: String, session: Session?): ComputeShader
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expect abstract fun createComputeStyleManager(session: Session? = Session.root): ComputeStyleManager

Creates and returns a new instance of ComputeStyleManager. This manager is used to handle styles for compute operations.

actual abstract fun createComputeStyleManager(session: Session?): ComputeStyleManager
actual abstract fun createComputeStyleManager(session: Session?): ComputeStyleManager
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expect abstract fun createCubemap(width: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session? = Cubemap

Creates a cubemap with the specified dimensions, format, type, mipmap levels, and session.

actual abstract fun createCubemap(width: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): Cubemap
actual abstract fun createCubemap(width: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): Cubemap
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expect abstract fun createDepthBuffer(    width: Int,     height: Int,     format: DepthFormat,     multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled,     session: Session? = DepthBuffer

Creates a depth buffer with the specified dimensions, format, and additional configuration.

actual abstract fun createDepthBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, format: DepthFormat, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): DepthBuffer
actual abstract fun createDepthBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, format: DepthFormat, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): DepthBuffer
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abstract fun createDrawThread(session: Session? = DrawThread
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expect abstract fun createDynamicIndexBuffer(elementCount: Int, type: IndexType, session: Session? = IndexBuffer

Creates a dynamic index buffer with the specified number of elements and index type, optionally associated with a session.

actual abstract fun createDynamicIndexBuffer(elementCount: Int, type: IndexType, session: Session?): IndexBuffer
actual abstract fun createDynamicIndexBuffer(elementCount: Int, type: IndexType, session: Session?): IndexBuffer
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expect abstract fun createDynamicVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, vertexCount: Int, session: Session? = VertexBuffer

Creates a dynamic vertex buffer with the specified format and vertex count.

actual abstract fun createDynamicVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, vertexCount: Int, session: Session?): VertexBuffer
actual abstract fun createDynamicVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, vertexCount: Int, session: Session?): VertexBuffer
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expect abstract fun createRenderTarget(    width: Int,     height: Int,     contentScale: Double = 1.0,     multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled,     session: Session? = RenderTarget

Creates a render target with the specified dimensions, content scale, and multisampling options.

actual abstract fun createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): RenderTarget
actual abstract fun createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): RenderTarget
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abstract fun createResourceThread(session: Session? =, f: () -> Unit): ResourceThread
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expect abstract fun createShader(    vsCode: String,     tcsCode: String?,     tesCode: String?,     gsCode: String?,     fsCode: String,     name: String,     session: Session? = Shader

Create a shader from code

actual abstract fun createShader(    vsCode: String,     tcsCode: String?,     tesCode: String?,     gsCode: String?,     fsCode: String,     name: String,     session: Session?): Shader

Create a shader from code

actual abstract fun createShader(    vsCode: String,     tcsCode: String?,     tesCode: String?,     gsCode: String?,     fsCode: String,     name: String,     session: Session?): Shader

Create a shader from code

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expect abstract fun createShaderStorageBuffer(format: ShaderStorageFormat, session: Session? = ShaderStorageBuffer

Creates a shader storage buffer with the specified format and session.

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expect abstract fun createShadeStyleManager(    name: String,     vsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     tcsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String? = null,     tesGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String? = null,     gsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String? = null,     fsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     session: Session? = Session.root): ShadeStyleManager

Creates a new instance of ShadeStyleManager used to manage shade styles.

actual abstract fun createShadeStyleManager(    name: String,     vsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     tcsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     tesGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     gsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     fsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     session: Session?): ShadeStyleManager
actual abstract fun createShadeStyleManager(    name: String,     vsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     tcsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     tesGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     gsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?,     fsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String,     session: Session?): ShadeStyleManager
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abstract fun createStaticVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, buffer: Buffer, session: Session? = VertexBuffer
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expect abstract fun createVolumeTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     depth: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int,     session: Session? = VolumeTexture

Creates a 3D volume texture with the specified dimensions, format, and type.

actual abstract fun createVolumeTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     depth: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): VolumeTexture
actual abstract fun createVolumeTexture(    width: Int,     height: Int,     depth: Int,     format: ColorFormat,     type: ColorType,     levels: Int,     session: Session?): VolumeTexture
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expect abstract fun destroyContext(context: Long)

Destroys the specified context, releasing any resources associated with it.

actual abstract fun destroyContext(context: Long)
actual abstract fun destroyContext(context: Long)
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expect abstract fun drawIndexedInstances(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int = 0)

Renders instances of geometry using indexed drawing.

actual abstract fun drawIndexedInstances(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
actual abstract fun drawIndexedInstances(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
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expect abstract fun drawIndexedVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int = 0)

Renders geometry from the provided indexed vertex buffer using the specified shader and draw primitive.

actual abstract fun drawIndexedVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
actual abstract fun drawIndexedVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexOffset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
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expect abstract fun drawInstances(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int = 0)

Renders multiple instances of a set of primitives using the provided shader and vertex data.

actual abstract fun drawInstances(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
actual abstract fun drawInstances(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     instanceOffset: Int,     instanceCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
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expect abstract fun drawVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int = 0)

Draws content from multiple vertex buffers using the specified shader and draw primitive.

actual abstract fun drawVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
actual abstract fun drawVertexBuffer(    shader: Shader,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexOffset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     verticesPerPatch: Int)
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expect abstract fun finish()

waits for all drawing to complete

actual abstract fun finish()

waits for all drawing to complete

actual abstract fun finish()

waits for all drawing to complete

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expect abstract fun internalShaderResource(resourceId: String): String
actual abstract fun internalShaderResource(resourceId: String): String
actual abstract fun internalShaderResource(resourceId: String): String
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expect abstract fun setState(drawStyle: DrawStyle)

Updates the current state with the provided drawing style.

actual abstract fun setState(drawStyle: DrawStyle)
actual abstract fun setState(drawStyle: DrawStyle)
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expect abstract fun shaderConfiguration(type: ShaderType): String

Configures and returns the appropriate shader settings based on the specified shader type.

actual abstract fun shaderConfiguration(type: ShaderType): String
actual abstract fun shaderConfiguration(type: ShaderType): String