
data class DrawStyle(var clip: Rectangle? = null, var fill: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.WHITE, var stroke: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.BLACK, var lineCap: LineCap = LineCap.BUTT, var lineJoin: LineJoin = LineJoin.MITER, var strokeWeight: Double = 1.0, var smooth: Boolean = true, var miterLimit: Double = 4.0, var quality: DrawQuality = DrawQuality.QUALITY, var depthTestPass: DepthTestPass = DepthTestPass.ALWAYS, var depthWrite: Boolean = false, var blendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.OVER, var cullTestPass: CullTestPass = CullTestPass.ALWAYS, var channelWriteMask: ChannelMask = ChannelMask(red = true, green = true, blue = true, alpha = true), var alphaToCoverage: Boolean = false, var shadeStyle: ShadeStyle? = null, var fontMap: FontMap? = null, var kerning: KernMode = KernMode.METRIC, var textSetting: TextSettingMode = TextSettingMode.SUBPIXEL, var stencil: StencilStyle = StencilStyle(), var frontStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, var backStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, var colorMatrix: Matrix55 = Matrix55.IDENTITY)(source)

A data class that controls the look of drawing operations including stroke and fill color, stroke weight and more.


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constructor(clip: Rectangle? = null, fill: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.WHITE, stroke: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.BLACK, lineCap: LineCap = LineCap.BUTT, lineJoin: LineJoin = LineJoin.MITER, strokeWeight: Double = 1.0, smooth: Boolean = true, miterLimit: Double = 4.0, quality: DrawQuality = DrawQuality.QUALITY, depthTestPass: DepthTestPass = DepthTestPass.ALWAYS, depthWrite: Boolean = false, blendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.OVER, cullTestPass: CullTestPass = CullTestPass.ALWAYS, channelWriteMask: ChannelMask = ChannelMask(red = true, green = true, blue = true, alpha = true), alphaToCoverage: Boolean = false, shadeStyle: ShadeStyle? = null, fontMap: FontMap? = null, kerning: KernMode = KernMode.METRIC, textSetting: TextSettingMode = TextSettingMode.SUBPIXEL, stencil: StencilStyle = StencilStyle(), frontStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, backStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, colorMatrix: Matrix55 = Matrix55.IDENTITY)


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Use alpha to coverage in rendering, used in multi-sampling modes

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Clipping rectangle, set to null for no clipping

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Fill color, set to null for no fill

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Stroke color, set to null for no stroke

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fun applyToShader(shader: Shader)