
expect interface Cubemap : AutoCloseable(source)

Represents a cubemap, which is a collection of six 2D textures arranged to form the faces of a cube. It is often used for environment mapping and skyboxes in 3D rendering.


actual interface Cubemap : AutoCloseable(source)
actual interface Cubemap : AutoCloseable(source)


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expect abstract val format: ColorFormat

The color format of the cubemap sides.

actual abstract val format: ColorFormat
actual abstract val format: ColorFormat
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expect abstract val levels: Int

The number of mipmap levels of the cubemap.

actual abstract val levels: Int
actual abstract val levels: Int
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expect abstract val session: Session?

The session associated with this cubemap, or null if no session is associated.

actual abstract val session: Session?
actual abstract val session: Session?
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expect abstract val type: ColorType

The color data type of the cubemap sides.

actual abstract val type: ColorType
actual abstract val type: ColorType
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expect abstract val width: Int

The width of each side of the cubemap in pixels.

actual abstract val width: Int
actual abstract val width: Int


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expect abstract fun bind(textureUnit: Int = 0)
actual abstract fun bind(textureUnit: Int)
actual abstract fun bind(textureUnit: Int)
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expect abstract fun close()
abstract fun close()
abstract fun close()
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expect abstract fun copyTo(target: Cubemap, fromLevel: Int = 0, toLevel: Int = 0)
expect abstract fun copyTo(target: ArrayCubemap, layer: Int, fromLevel: Int = 0, toLevel: Int = 0)
expect abstract fun copyTo(target: ColorBuffer, fromSide: CubemapSide, fromLevel: Int = 0, toLevel: Int = 0)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: Cubemap, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: ArrayCubemap, layer: Int, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: ColorBuffer, fromSide: CubemapSide, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: Cubemap, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: ArrayCubemap, layer: Int, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(target: ColorBuffer, fromSide: CubemapSide, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
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expect abstract fun destroy()
actual abstract fun destroy()
actual abstract fun destroy()
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expect abstract fun filter(min: MinifyingFilter, mag: MagnifyingFilter)
actual abstract fun filter(min: MinifyingFilter, mag: MagnifyingFilter)
actual abstract fun filter(min: MinifyingFilter, mag: MagnifyingFilter)
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expect abstract fun generateMipmaps()
actual abstract fun generateMipmaps()
actual abstract fun generateMipmaps()
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fun Cubemap.imageBinding(level: Int = 0, imageAccess: ImageAccess): CubemapImageBinding
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abstract fun read(side: CubemapSide, target: ByteBuffer, targetFormat: ColorFormat = format, targetType: ColorType = type, level: Int = 0)
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expect abstract fun write(    side: CubemapSide,     source: MPPBuffer,     sourceFormat: ColorFormat,     sourceType: ColorType,     x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int,     level: Int)
abstract fun write(    side: CubemapSide,     source: TexImageSource,     sourceFormat: ColorFormat = this.format,     sourceType: ColorType = this.type,     x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     level: Int = 0)
abstract fun write(    side: CubemapSide,     source: ArrayBufferView,     sourceFormat: ColorFormat,     sourceType: ColorType,     x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     width: Int = this.width,     height: Int = this.width,     level: Int = 0)
actual abstract fun write(    side: CubemapSide,     source: MPPBuffer,     sourceFormat: ColorFormat,     sourceType: ColorType,     x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int,     level: Int)
abstract fun write(side: CubemapSide, source: ByteBuffer, sourceFormat: ColorFormat = format, sourceType: ColorType = type, level: Int = 0)
actual abstract fun write(    side: CubemapSide,     source: MPPBuffer,     sourceFormat: ColorFormat,     sourceType: ColorType,     x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int,     level: Int)