Package-level declarations


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data class Box(val corner: Vector3, val width: Double, val height: Double, val depth: Double) : LinearType<Box>

A 3D Box defined by an anchor point (corner), width, height and depth.

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data class Circle(val center: Vector2, val radius: Double) : Movable, Scalable1D, ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider, LinearType<Circle>

Creates a Circle.

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class ContourBuilder(multipleContours: Boolean)
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data class ContourIntersection(val a: ContourPoint, val b: ContourPoint, val position: Vector2)
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data class ContourPoint(val contour: ShapeContour, val contourT: Double, val segment: Segment2D, val segmentT: Double, val position: Vector2)

Representation of a point on a ShapeContour.

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data class Ellipse(val center: Vector2, val xRadius: Double, val yRadius: Double) : Movable, Scalable2D, ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider

Creates a new Ellipse.

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class IntBox(val corner: IntVector3, val width: Int, val height: Int, val depth: Int)
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data class IntRectangle(val corner: IntVector2, val width: Int, val height: Int)

Creates a new IntRectangle.

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data class LineSegment(val start: Vector2, val end: Vector2) : LinearType<LineSegment> , ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider

A strictly linear 2D segment.

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data class LineSegment3D(val start: Vector3, val end: Vector3)
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interface Movable
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interface Movable3D
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interface Path<T : EuclideanVector<T>>
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class Path1D(val segments: List<Segment1D>, val closed: Boolean)
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class Path3D(val segments: List<Segment3D>, val closed: Boolean) : Path<Vector3>
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class PathProjection3D(val segmentProjection: SegmentProjection3D, val projection: Double, val distance: Double, val point: Vector3)
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data class Rectangle(val corner: Vector2, val width: Double, val height: Double = width) : Movable, Scalable2D, ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider, LinearType<Rectangle>

Creates a new axis-aligned Rectangle.

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interface Scalable1D
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data class Segment1D(val start: Double, val control: Array<Double>, val end: Double) : LinearType<Segment1D>
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data class Segment2D(val start: Vector2, val control: List<Vector2>, val end: Vector2, val corner: Boolean = false) : BezierSegment<Vector2> , ShapeContourProvider

Creates a new Segment2D, which specifies a linear or a Bézier curve path between two anchor points (and up to two control points for curvature).

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class Segment3D(val start: Vector3, val control: List<Vector3>, val end: Vector3) : BezierSegment<Vector3>
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class SegmentIntersection(val a: SegmentPoint, val b: SegmentPoint, val position: Vector2)
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data class SegmentPoint(val segment: Segment2D, val segmentT: Double, val position: Vector2) : BezierSegmentPoint<Vector2>

Representation of a point on a Segment2D.

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class SegmentProjection3D(val segment: Segment3D, val projection: Double, val distance: Double, val point: Vector3)
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Indicates the type of Segment2D.

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class Shape(val contours: List<ShapeContour>) : ShapeProvider

A simple interface for managing a List of ShapeContour.

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Shape builder class, used by shape

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data class ShapeContour(val segments: List<Segment2D>, val closed: Boolean, val polarity: YPolarity = YPolarity.CW_NEGATIVE_Y) : ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider, Path<Vector2>

A List for managing a collection of Segment2Ds.

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provider of ShapeContour

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interface ShapeProvider

provider of Shape

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Indicates the Shape topology.

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data class Triangle(val x1: Vector2, val x2: Vector2, val x3: Vector2) : ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider

Creates a simple three-point polygon.

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Indicates the winding order of the ShapeContour.


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fun Box(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, width: Double, height: Double = width, depth: Double = width): Box
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fun Circle(x: Double, y: Double, radius: Double): Circle
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Clamps a Vector2 within the bounds of the bounds Rectangle.

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operator fun Shape.contains(v: Vector2): Boolean

Returns true if given Vector2 is inside the Shape.

operator fun ShapeContour.contains(point: Vector2): Boolean

Returns true if given point lies inside the ShapeContour.

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Build a contour

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Build multiple org.openrndr.shape.contours

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@JvmName(name = "differenceIterative")
fun difference(from: List<Shape>, subtract: List<List<Shape>>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean difference operation iteratively between a List of Shapes and a two-dimensional List of Shapes.

fun difference(from: List<Shape>, subtract: List<Shape>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean difference operation between two Lists of Shapes.

fun difference(from: List<Shape>, subtract: Shape): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean difference operation between a List of Shapes and a Shape.

fun difference(from: List<Shape>, subtract: ShapeContour): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean difference operation between a List of Shapes and a ShapeContour.

fun difference(from: Shape, subtract: Shape): Shape

Applies a boolean difference operation between two Shapes.

fun difference(from: Shape, subtract: ShapeContour): Shape

Applies a boolean difference operation between a Shape and a ShapeContour.

fun difference(from: ShapeContour, subtract: Shape): Shape

Applies a boolean difference operation between a ShapeContour and a Shape.

fun difference(from: ShapeContour, subtract: ShapeContour): Shape

Applies a boolean difference operation between two ShapeContours.

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Applies a boolean difference operation between two Shapes.

Applies a boolean difference operation between the ShapeContour and another Shape.

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fun Ellipse(x: Double, y: Double, xRadius: Double, yRadius: Double): Ellipse
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@JvmName(name = "intersectionIterative")
fun intersection(from: List<Shape>, with: List<List<Shape>>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean intersection operation iteratively between a List of Shapes and a two-dimensional List of Shapes.

fun intersection(from: List<Shape>, with: List<Shape>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean intersection operation between two Lists of Shapes.

fun intersection(from: List<Shape>, with: Shape): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean intersection operation between a List of Shapes and a Shape.

Applies a boolean intersection operation between a List of Shapes and a ShapeContour.

fun intersection(from: Shape, with: Shape): Shape

Applies a boolean intersection operation between two Shapes.

Applies a boolean intersection operation between a Shape and a ShapeContour.

Applies a boolean intersection operation between a ShapeContour and Shape.

Applies a boolean intersection operation between two ShapeContours.

fun intersection(a0: Vector2, a1: Vector2, b0: Vector2, b1: Vector2, eps: Double = 0.0): Vector2

Finds the intersection point between two LineSegments.

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Applies a boolean intersection operation between two Shapes.

Applies a boolean intersection operation between the ShapeContour and a Shape.

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Calculates a List of all points of where paths intersect between the two Shapes.

fun intersections(a: Segment2D, b: Segment2D, vertexThreshold: Double = 1.0E-5): List<SegmentIntersection>

Calculates a List of all points where two Segment2Ds intersect.

fun intersections(a: ShapeContour, b: ShapeContour, vertexThreshold: Double = 1.0E-5): List<ContourIntersection>

Calculates a List of all points of where paths intersect between two ShapeContours.

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Calculates a List of all points where two Segment2Ds intersect.

Calculates a List of all points of where a Segment2D and a Shape intersect.

Calculates a List of all points of where a Segment2D and a ShapeContour intersect.

Calculates a List of all points where the Shape and a Segment2D intersect.

Calculates a List of all points where two Shapes intersect.

Calculates a List of all points where the Shape and a ShapeContour intersect.

Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and a Segment2D.

Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and a Shape.

Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and another ShapeContour.

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fun IntRectangle(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): IntRectangle
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fun List<Vector2>.map(sourceRectangle: Rectangle, targetRectangle: Rectangle, clamp: Boolean = false): List<Vector2>

Maps all elements in a List<Vector2> from sourceRectangle to targetRectangle. If clamp is true all elements are clamped within the bounds of targetRectangle.

fun Rectangle, targetRectangle: Rectangle, clamp: Boolean = false): Vector2

Remaps Vector2 from a position on the sourceRectangle to a proportionally equivalent position on the targetRectangle.

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@JvmName(name = "proportionalizeWithoutT")
fun <T : EuclideanVector<T>> proportionalize(input: List<T>): List<Pair<T, Double>>
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fun Rectangle(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double = width): Rectangle
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@JvmName(name = "resampleList")
fun <T : LinearType<T>> resample(input: List<Pair<T, Double>>, ts: List<Double>): List<Pair<T, Double>>
fun <T1 : LinearType<T1>, T2 : LinearType<T2>> resample(input1: List<Pair<T1, Double>>, input2: List<Pair<T2, Double>>): List<Triple<T1, T2, Double>>
fun <T1 : LinearType<T1>, T2 : LinearType<T2>, T3 : LinearType<T3>> resample(input1: List<Pair<T1, Double>>, input2: List<Pair<T2, Double>>, input3: List<Pair<T3, Double>>): List<Quadruple<T1, T2, T3, Double>>
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fun <T : LinearType<T>, EuclideanVector<T>> sampleEquidistant(segments: List<T>, count: Int): List<T>

Returns specified amount of points of equal distance from each other.

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Returns specified amount of points of equal distance from each other.

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fun Segment1D(start: Double, end: Double): Segment1D
fun Segment1D(start: Double, c0: Double, end: Double): Segment1D
fun Segment1D(start: Double, c0: Double, c1: Double, end: Double): Segment1D
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fun Segment2D(start: Vector2, end: Vector2, corner: Boolean = true): Segment2D

Linear segment constructor.

fun Segment2D(start: Vector2, c0: Vector2, end: Vector2, corner: Boolean = true): Segment2D

Quadratic Bézier segment constructor.

fun Segment2D(start: Vector2, c0: Vector2, c1: Vector2, end: Vector2, corner: Boolean = true): Segment2D

Cubic Bézier segment constructor.

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fun Segment3D(start: Vector3, end: Vector3): Segment3D
fun Segment3D(x0: Double, y0: Double, z0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, z1: Double): Segment3D

fun Segment3D(start: Vector3, c0: Vector3, end: Vector3): Segment3D

Quadratic bezier segment constructor

fun Segment3D(start: Vector3, c0: Vector3, c1: Vector3, end: Vector3): Segment3D

Cubic bezier segment constructor

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fun shape(f: ShapeBuilder.() -> Unit): Shape

Build a shape

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fun split(shape: Shape, cutter: LineSegment): Pair<Shape, Shape>

Splits a Shape into two separate Shapes from given LineSegment.

Splits a ShapeContour with all other ShapeContour in a List.

Splits a ShapeContour with another ShapeContour.

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@JvmName(name = "triangulateV2")
fun triangulate(shape: List<List<Vector2>>, fillRule: FillRule = FillRule.NONZERO_WINDING): List<Int>
@JvmName(name = "triangulateV3")
fun triangulate(shape: List<List<Vector3>>, fillRule: FillRule = FillRule.NONZERO_WINDING): List<Int>

Triangulate shape into a List of indexed triangles

fun triangulate(shape: Shape, distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5, fillRule: FillRule = FillRule.NONZERO_WINDING): List<Vector2>

Triangulates a Shape into a List of triangle corner positions.

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@JvmName(name = "unionIterative")
fun union(from: List<Shape>, add: List<List<Shape>>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation iteratively between a List of Shapes and a two-dimensional List of Shapes.

fun union(from: List<Shape>, add: List<Shape>): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between two Lists of Shapes.

fun union(from: List<Shape>, add: Shape): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between a List of Shapes and a Shape.

fun union(from: List<Shape>, add: ShapeContour): List<Shape>

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between a List of Shapes and a ShapeContour.

fun union(from: Shape, add: Shape): Shape

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between two Shapes.

fun union(from: Shape, add: ShapeContour): Shape

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between a Shape and a ShapeContour.

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between two ShapeContours.

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fun Shape.union(other: Shape): Shape

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between two Shapes.

Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between the ShapeContour and a Shape.


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@get:JvmName(name = "getVector2Bounds")
val List<Vector2>.bounds: Rectangle

Calculates Rectangle-bounds from a List of Vector2 instances.

@get:JvmName(name = "getVector3Bounds")
val List<Vector3>.bounds: Box

Calculate Box-bounds from a List of Vector3 instances.

@get:JvmName(name = "getRectangleBounds")
val List<Rectangle>.bounds: Rectangle

Calculates Rectangle-bounds for a list of Rectangle instances.

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val List<Shape>.compound: Shape

Converts a List of Shape items into a single org.openrndr.shape.compound Shape.

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Converts a List of ShapeContours to a single Shape.