
VertexBuffer Layout describes how data is organized in the VertexBuffer


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val size: Int

The size of the VertexFormat in bytes


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fun attribute(name: String, type: VertexElementType, arraySize: Int = 1)

Adds a custom attribute to the VertexFormat

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fun color(dimensions: Int)

Appends a color attribute to the layout

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun normal(dimensions: Int)

Appends a normal component to the layout

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fun padding(paddingInBytes: Int)

Insert padding in the layout

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fun position(dimensions: Int)

Appends a position component to the layout

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fun textureCoordinate(dimensions: Int = 2, index: Int = 0)
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open override fun toString(): String