
ScreenRecorder extension can be used to record to contents of a Program to a video


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open override var enabled: Boolean
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should a frameclock be installed, if false system clock is used

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the framerate of the output video

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how many frames to skip before starting to record

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var height: Int?

optional height, overrides the program height

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the maximum duration in seconds

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the maximum duration in frames

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should multisampling be used?

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the output file, auto-determined if left null

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is video recording enabled or paused?

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the profile to use for the output video

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when set to true, program.application.exit() will be issued after the maximum duration has been reached

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what time the video recorder should start recording at

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var width: Int?

optional width, overrides the program width


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open override fun afterDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program)
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open override fun beforeDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program)
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fun ScreenRecorder.h264(configure: H264Profile.() -> Unit)
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open override fun setup(program: Program)
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open override fun shutdown(program: Program)