Package-level declarations
A utility class designed for efficient rendering of circles.
Manages loading and unloading of ColorBufferProxy
objects, enabling asynchronous fetching of color buffer resources from URLs or other sources. This class also handles caching and resource cleanup for loaded buffers to optimize usage.
Represents the image data of a cubemap, a texture with six sides corresponding to the faces of a cube. The data is stored for each side and its corresponding mipmap levels if applicable.
Configuration settings for saving images in the DDS format.
Represents the properties and capabilities of a graphics driver.
Configuration class for saving images in the EXR format.
The FontImageMapDrawer
class facilitates rendering of text based on a font image map. It handles generating text vertex data, applying draw styles, and efficiently managing resources like vertex buffers for text rendering tasks.
Abstract class responsible for managing the creation of font image maps from various sources.
Configuration settings for saving images in the HDR format.
Represents image data with specific properties such as dimensions, format, type, and optional mipmap levels.
The ImageDrawer class is responsible for rendering 2D images and texture layers onto a drawing surface. It supports rendering images using vertex and instance attributes, enabling efficient handling of multiple render operations. The class utilizes vertex and instance buffers, shaders, and configurable parameters for rendering images within specific geometric regions.
ImageDriver is responsible for probing, loading and saving images
Represents a configuration interface for saving images. Classes implementing this interface define specific strategies or settings for saving image files, which may include parameters like file format, compression level, resolution, or output path.
A utility class for rendering mesh-based lines in graphical contexts. This class provides methods for drawing line segments and strips with customizable width, color, and other visual properties using shaders.
A utility class for efficient drawing of lines and line loops in 2D and 3D spaces.
Configuration settings for saving images in the PNG format.
A utility class for rendering points in 2D and 3D space using custom styles, shaders, and batching. Optimizes point rendering by handling vertex buffers and batching mechanisms.
A utility class for rendering high-quality line drawings, supporting customizable stroke styles, smooth rendering, and various line configurations including strips and loops.
Class responsible for high-quality polygon rendering with support for advanced features such as smooth fills, fringe widths, and customizable line joins.
This class is responsible for efficiently managing and rendering 2D rectangles, supporting various configurations, including batch rendering, custom dimensions, and draw styles.
built-in shader generators
A utility class for drawing vertex buffers with specified styles, primitives, and attributes.