

Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard


Link copied to clipboard
open fun image(name: String, values: Array<out ImageBinding>)
open fun image(name: String, value: ImageBinding)
open fun image(name: String, arrayTextures: Array<ArrayTexture>, levels: Array<Int> = Array(arrayTextures.size) { 0 })
open fun image(name: String, colorBuffers: Array<ColorBuffer>, levels: Array<Int> = Array(colorBuffers.size) { 0 })
open fun image(name: String, cubemaps: Array<Cubemap>, levels: Array<Int> = Array(cubemaps.size) { 0 })
open fun image(name: String, volumeTextures: Array<VolumeTexture>, levels: Array<Int> = Array(volumeTextures.size) { 0 })
open fun image(name: String, arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, level: Int = 0)
open fun image(name: String, colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, level: Int = 0)
open fun image(name: String, cubemap: Cubemap, level: Int = 0)
open fun image(name: String, volumeTexture: VolumeTexture, level: Int = 0)
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
open fun StyleImageBindings.registerImageBinding(name: String, access: ImageAccess = ImageAccess.READ_WRITE, flags: Set<ImageFlag>, arrayLength: Int = -1)