
data class Vector3(val x: Double, val y: Double, val z: Double) : LinearType<Vector3> , EuclideanVector<Vector3> (source)

Double-precision 3D vector.


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constructor(x: Double)
constructor(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)


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object Companion


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open fun areaBetween(other: Vector3): Double

returns the area of the parallelogram formed by extruding this over other

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open fun atan2(other: Vector3): Double

atan2 style angle between this and other

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Returns Vector3 whose value is limited between min and max per vector component.

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infix fun cross(v: Vector3): Vector3

Calculates a cross product between this Vector2 and v.

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open override fun distanceTo(other: Vector3): Double

distance to other in Euclidean space

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open operator override fun div(scale: Double): Vector3
operator fun div(v: Vector3): Vector3
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open infix override fun dot(right: Vector3): Double

Calculates a dot product between this Vector2 and right.

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operator fun get(i: Int): Double
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open override fun map(function: (Double) -> Double): Vector3

apply function to all components

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fun Vector3, beforeRight: Vector3, afterLeft: Vector3, afterRight: Vector3, clamp: Boolean = false): Vector3
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operator fun minus(d: Double): Vector3
open operator override fun minus(right: Vector3): Vector3
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fun mix(o: Vector3, mix: Double): Vector3
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operator fun plus(d: Double): Vector3
open operator override fun plus(right: Vector3): Vector3
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open infix fun projectedOn(on: Vector3): Vector3

project this vector on on

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open infix fun reflectedOver(surfaceNormal: Vector3): Vector3

reflect this vector over surfaceNormal

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open override fun squaredDistanceTo(other: Vector3): Double

squared distance to other in Euclidean space

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open operator override fun times(scale: Double): Vector3
operator fun times(v: Vector3): Vector3
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Casts to IntVector3.

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operator fun unaryMinus(): Vector3


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open override val length: Double

The Euclidean length of the vector.

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normalized vector

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open override val squaredLength: Double

The squared Euclidean length of the vector.

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val x: Double
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val xy: Vector2
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val xz: Vector2
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val y: Double
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val yx: Vector2
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val z: Double
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open override val zero: Vector3

returns the zero vector

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val zx: Vector2