
class Drawer(val driver: Driver)(source)

The Drawer


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constructor(driver: Driver)


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fun circle(circle: Circle)
fun circle(position: Vector2, radius: Double)

fun circle(x: Double, y: Double, radius: Double)

Draw a circle

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Create a stored batch of circles

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fun circles(build: CircleBatchBuilder.() -> Unit)

Create and draw batched circles

fun circles(circles: List<Circle>)
fun circles(positions: List<Vector2>, radius: Double)
fun circles(positions: List<Vector2>, radii: List<Double>)

fun circles(batch: CircleBatch, count: Int = batch.size)

Draw stored circle batch

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fun clear(color: ColorRGBa)
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fun contour(contour: ShapeContour)

Draws a single ShapeContour using fill, stroke and strokeWeight settings

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fun contours(contours: List<ShapeContour>)

Draws org.openrndr.shape.contours using fill, stroke and strokeWeight settings

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fun defaults()

Loads default values for draw style and transformations

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fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer)

Draws an image with its top-left corner at (0,0)

fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, rectangles: List<Pair<Rectangle, Rectangle>>)
fun image(arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, layers: List<Int>, rectangles: List<Pair<Rectangle, Rectangle>>)
fun image(arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, layer: Int = 0, source: Rectangle, target: Rectangle)

fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, target: Rectangle)

Draws an image (ColorBuffer) into a target area

fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, source: Rectangle, target: Rectangle)

Draws a source area of an image (ColorBuffer) into a target area

fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, position: Vector2, width: Double = colorBuffer.width.toDouble(), height: Double = colorBuffer.height.toDouble())

Draws an image with its top-left corner at (position) and dimensions (width, height)

fun image(colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, x: Double, y: Double, width: Double = colorBuffer.width.toDouble(), height: Double = colorBuffer.height.toDouble())

Draws an image with its top-left corner at (x, y) and dimensions (width, height)

fun image(arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, layer: Int = 0, x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0, width: Double = arrayTexture.width.toDouble(), height: Double = arrayTexture.height.toDouble())

Draws an image using an ArrayTexture as source

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fun Drawer.isolated(function: Drawer.() -> Unit)

Pushes style and model-view-projection matrices, calls function and pops.

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fun Drawer.isolatedWithTarget(target: RenderTarget, function: Drawer.() -> Unit)

Pushes style and model-view-projection matrices, sets render target, calls function and pops.

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fun lineLoop(points: List<Vector2>)
@JvmName(name = "lineLoop3d")
fun lineLoop(points: List<Vector3>)
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fun lineLoops(loops: List<List<Vector2>>)
@JvmName(name = "lineLoops3d")
fun lineLoops(loops: List<List<Vector3>>)
fun lineLoops(loops: List<List<Vector2>>, weights: List<Double>)
@JvmName(name = "lineLoops3d)")
fun lineLoops(loops: List<List<Vector3>>, weights: List<Double>)
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fun lineSegment(lineSegment: LineSegment)
fun lineSegment(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double)

fun lineSegment(start: Vector2, end: Vector2)

Draws a line segment from start to end using 2d coordinates

fun lineSegment(start: Vector3, end: Vector3)

Draws a line segment from start to end using 3d coordinates

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fun lineSegments(segments: List<Vector2>)
@JvmName(name = "lineSegments3d")
fun lineSegments(segments: List<Vector3>)
@JvmName(name = "lineSegmentsFromLineSegmentList")
fun lineSegments(segments: List<LineSegment>)
fun lineSegments(segments: List<Vector2>, weights: List<Double>)
@JvmName(name = "lineSegments3d")
fun lineSegments(segments: List<Vector3>, weights: List<Double>)
@JvmName(name = "lineSegments3d")
fun lineSegments(segments: List<Vector3>, weights: List<Double>, colors: List<ColorRGBa>)
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fun lineStrip(points: List<Vector2>)

Draws a line strip with 2d coordinates

@JvmName(name = "lineStrip3d")
fun lineStrip(points: List<Vector3>)

Draws a line strip with 3d coordinates

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fun lineStrips(strips: List<List<Vector2>>)
@JvmName(name = "lineStrips3d")
fun lineStrips(strips: List<List<Vector3>>)

Draws line strips with 3d coordinates

fun lineStrips(strips: List<List<Vector2>>, weights: List<Double>)

Draws line strips with 2d coordinates and stroke weights per strip

@JvmName(name = "lineStrips3d")
fun lineStrips(strips: List<List<Vector3>>, weights: List<Double>)
@JvmName(name = "lineStrips3d")
fun lineStrips(strips: List<List<Vector3>>, weights: List<Double>, colors: List<ColorRGBa>)

Draws line strips with 3d coordinates and stroke weights per strip

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fun lookAt(from: Vector3, to: Vector3, up: Vector3 = Vector3.UNIT_Y, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.VIEW)
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fun ortho()

Sets the projection matrix to orthogonal using the drawer's current size

fun ortho(renderTarget: RenderTarget)

Sets the projection matrix to orthogonal using the sizes of a RenderTarget

fun ortho(left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double, far: Double)

Sets the projection matrix to orthogonal using left, right, bottom, top, near, far

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fun path(path: Path3D)

Draws a single 3D path

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fun paths(paths: List<Path3D>, weights: List<Double> = emptyList(), colors: List<ColorRGBa> = emptyList())

Draw a list of Path3D

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fun perspective(fovY: Double, aspectRatio: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double)

Sets the projection to a perspective projection matrix

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fun point(vector: Vector2)
fun point(vector: Vector3)
fun point(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double = 0.0)

Draw a single point

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Create a stored batch of points

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fun points(build: PointBatchBuilder.() -> Unit)

Create and draw batched points

@JvmName(name = "points2D")
fun points(points: List<Vector2>)

Draw a list of 2D points

@JvmName(name = "points3D")
fun points(points: List<Vector3>)

Draw a list of 3D points

fun points(batch: PointBatch, count: Int = batch.size)

Draw a stored batch of points

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fun popModel()
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Pop the active projection matrix from the projection state stack

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fun popStyle()

Pop the draw style from the draw style stack

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Pop the active the model, view and projection matrices from their respective stacks

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fun popView()
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Push the active projection matrix on the projection state stack

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Push the active draw style on the draw style stack

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Push the active model, view and projection matrices on their respective stacks

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fun rectangle(rectangle: Rectangle)
fun rectangle(corner: Vector2, width: Double, height: Double = width)
fun rectangle(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double = width)
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Create a stored batch of rectangles

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Create and draw batched rectangles

fun rectangles(rectangles: List<Rectangle>)
fun rectangles(positions: List<Vector2>, dimensions: List<Vector2>)
fun rectangles(batch: RectangleBatch, count: Int = batch.size)
fun rectangles(positions: List<Vector2>, width: Double, height: Double = width)
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fun rotate(rotationInDegrees: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies a rotation over the z-axis to the model matrix

fun rotate(axis: Vector3, rotationInDegrees: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies a rotation over an arbitrary axis to the model matrix

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fun scale(s: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Apply a uniform scale to the model matrix

fun scale(x: Double, y: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)
fun scale(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies non-uniform scale to the model matrix

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fun segment(segment: Segment2D)

Draw a single segment

fun segment(segment: Segment3D)

Draws a single 3D segment

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@JvmName(name = "segments2d")
fun segments(segments: List<Segment2D>)

Draws a list of 2D segments

fun segments(segments: List<Segment3D>)

Draws a list of 3D segments

fun segments(segments: List<Segment3D>, weights: List<Double>, colors: List<ColorRGBa>)

Draws a list of 3D segments, each with their weight and color

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fun shape(shape: Shape)

Draws a single Shape using fill, stroke and strokeWeight settings

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fun shapes(shapes: List<Shape>)

Draws shapes using fill, stroke and strokeWeight settings

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fun text(text: String, position: Vector2)

Draws text at (position)

fun text(text: String, x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0)

Draws text at (x, y)

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fun texts(texts: List<String>, positions: List<Vector2>)

Draws texts at positions)

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fun translate(t: Vector2, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)
fun translate(x: Double, y: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies a two-dimensional translation to the model matrix

fun translate(t: Vector3, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies three-dimensional translation to the model matrix

fun translate(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, target: TransformTarget = TransformTarget.MODEL)

Applies a three-dimensional translation to the model matrix

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fun vertexBuffer(vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, primitive: DrawPrimitive, offset: Int = 0, vertexCount: Int = vertexBuffers[0].vertexCount)
fun vertexBuffer(indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, primitive: DrawPrimitive, offset: Int = 0, indexCount: Int = indexBuffer.indexCount)

fun vertexBuffer(vertexBuffer: VertexBuffer, primitive: DrawPrimitive, vertexOffset: Int = 0, vertexCount: Int = vertexBuffer.vertexCount)

Draws a VertexBuffer using primitive

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fun vertexBufferInstances(vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>, primitive: DrawPrimitive, instanceCount: Int, offset: Int = 0, vertexCount: Int = vertexBuffers[0].vertexCount)
fun vertexBufferInstances(indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>, primitive: DrawPrimitive, instanceCount: Int, offset: Int = 0, indexCount: Int = indexBuffer.indexCount)
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fun withTarget(target: RenderTarget, action: Drawer.() -> Unit)


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The bounds of the drawable area as a Rectangle

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The draw context holds references to model, view, projection matrices, width, height and content-scale

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The active fill color

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The active fontmap, default is null

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val height: Int
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The active line cap method

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The active line join method

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When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been specified for lineJoin, it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path. The miterlimit imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the strokeWeight.

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The active model matrix

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The active projection matrix

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The active stroke color

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The active stroke weight

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The active view matrix

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val width: Int