Package-level declarations


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expect interface ArrayCubemap

Array of Cubemap, all with the same ColorType, ColorFormat and other properties. Typically, used for efficient reflection probes, lighting and shadowing systems. This is a common interface to be implemented in various target languages.

actual interface ArrayCubemap
actual interface ArrayCubemap
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class ArrayCubemapAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val arrayCubemap: ArrayCubemap, val side: CubemapSide, val layer: Int, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class ArrayCubemapImageBinding(val arrayCubemap: ArrayCubemap, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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expect abstract class ArrayTexture
actual abstract class ArrayTexture
actual abstract class ArrayTexture
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class ArrayTextureAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, val layer: Int, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class ArrayTextureImageBinding(val arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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class ArrayTextureLayerImageBinding(val arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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open class BatchBuilder(val drawer: Drawer)
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Used for controlling how pixels are blended together. The different modes can be used to simulate different kinds of effects like transparency, adding light, subtracting color and others.

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sealed class BufferMultisample

Buffer multisample options

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expect abstract class BufferTexture
actual abstract class BufferTexture
actual abstract class BufferTexture
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class BufferTextureImageBinding(val bufferTexture: BufferTexture, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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expect abstract class BufferTextureShadow
actual abstract class BufferTextureShadow
actual abstract class BufferTextureShadow
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expect abstract class BufferWriter
actual abstract class BufferWriter
actual abstract class BufferWriter
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expect interface BufferWriterStd430
actual interface BufferWriterStd430
actual interface BufferWriterStd430
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data class ChannelMask(val red: Boolean, val green: Boolean, val blue: Boolean, val alpha: Boolean)
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data class CharacterPair(val left: Char, val right: Char)
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class CircleBatch(val geometry: VertexBuffer, val drawStyle: VertexBuffer) : AutoCloseable

Stored circle batch

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Builder for stored circle batches

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sealed class ColorAttachment

Color attachment for RenderTarget.

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expect abstract class ColorBuffer : AutoCloseable
actual abstract class ColorBuffer : AutoCloseable
actual abstract class ColorBuffer : AutoCloseable

representation for simple images stored on GPU memory

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class ColorBufferAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, val level: Int, val ownedByRenderTarget: Boolean) : ColorAttachment
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class ColorBufferImageBinding(val colorBuffer: ColorBuffer, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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data class ColorBufferProxy(val url: String, val loader: ColorBufferLoader, val persistent: Boolean)
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Color format enumeration

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Color sampling enumeration

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Color type enumeration

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data class ComputeStructure(val structDefinitions: String? = null, val uniforms: String? = null, val buffers: String? = null, val computeTransform: String, val computePreamble: String, val workGroupSize: IntVector3)
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abstract class ComputeStyleManager
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expect interface Cubemap
actual interface Cubemap
actual interface Cubemap
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class CubemapAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val cubemap: Cubemap, val side: CubemapSide, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class CubemapImageBinding(val cubemap: Cubemap, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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class CubemapLayerImageBinding(val cubemap: Cubemap, val side: CubemapSide, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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Cull test pass condition enumeration

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interface DepthBuffer
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Depth format enumeration

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Depth test pass condition enumeration

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data class DrawContext(val model: Matrix44, val view: Matrix44, val projection: Matrix44, val width: Int, val height: Int, val contentScale: Double, val modelViewScalingFactor: Double)
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class Drawer(val driver: Driver)

The Drawer

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Drawer configuration

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Draw primitive type enumeration

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Specifies if to optimize drawing for quality or performance.

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data class DrawStyle(var clip: Rectangle? = null, var fill: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.WHITE, var stroke: ColorRGBa? = ColorRGBa.BLACK, var lineCap: LineCap = LineCap.BUTT, var lineJoin: LineJoin = LineJoin.MITER, var strokeWeight: Double = 1.0, var smooth: Boolean = true, var miterLimit: Double = 4.0, var quality: DrawQuality = DrawQuality.QUALITY, var depthTestPass: DepthTestPass = DepthTestPass.ALWAYS, var depthWrite: Boolean = false, var blendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.OVER, var cullTestPass: CullTestPass = CullTestPass.ALWAYS, var channelWriteMask: ChannelMask = ChannelMask(red = true, green = true, blue = true, alpha = true), var alphaToCoverage: Boolean = false, var shadeStyle: ShadeStyle? = null, var fontMap: FontMap? = null, var kerning: KernMode = KernMode.METRIC, var textSetting: TextSettingMode = TextSettingMode.SUBPIXEL, var stencil: StencilStyle = StencilStyle(), var frontStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, var backStencil: StencilStyle = stencil, var colorMatrix: Matrix55 = Matrix55.IDENTITY)

A data class that controls the look of drawing operations including stroke and fill color, stroke weight and more.

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interface DrawThread
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open class Filter(shader: Shader? = null, watcher: ShaderWatcher? = null)

Filter base class. Renders "full-screen" quads.

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open class Filter1to1(shader: Shader? = null, watcher: ShaderWatcher? = null) : Filter
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open class Filter2to1(shader: Shader? = null, watcher: ShaderWatcher? = null) : Filter
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open class Filter3to1(shader: Shader? = null, watcher: ShaderWatcher? = null) : Filter
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open class Filter4to1(shader: Shader? = null, watcher: ShaderWatcher? = null) : Filter
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class FontImageMap(val texture: ColorBuffer, val map: Map<Char, IntRectangle>, val glyphMetrics: Map<Char, GlyphMetrics>, val size: Double, val contentScale: Double, val ascenderLength: Double, val descenderLength: Double, val height: Double, val leading: Double, val name: String) : FontMap

A type of FontMap which keeps characters pre-rendered in a ColorBuffer texture at a specific font size.

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data class FontImageMapDescriptor(val fontUrl: String, val size: Double, val alphabet: Set<Char>, val contentScale: Double)
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abstract class FontMap

Holds properties common to both vector-based and image-based FontMaps.

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abstract class FontVectorMap : FontMap

A type of FontMap which keeps characters stored as vector data. Good for displaying very large text and for displaying text at different scales, but in general less performant than FontImageMap because it is not pre-rendered.

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data class GlyphMetrics(val advanceWidth: Double, val leftSideBearing: Double, val xBitmapShift: Double, val yBitmapShift: Double)
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sealed class ImageBinding
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data class ImageFileDetails(val width: Int, val height: Int, val channels: Int)

Details for an image

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File format used while saving to file

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typealias ImageFlag = BufferFlag
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expect interface IndexBuffer
actual interface IndexBuffer
actual interface IndexBuffer
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class LayeredArrayCubemapAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val arrayCubemap: ArrayCubemap, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class LayeredArrayTextureAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val arrayTexture: ArrayTexture, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class LayeredCubemapAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val cubemap: Cubemap, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class LayeredVolumeTextureAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val volumeTexture: VolumeTexture, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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Line cap enumeration

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Line join enumeration

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Texture filters for magnification

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Texture filters used for minification

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class ObservableHashmap<K, V>(val b: MutableMap<K, V>, val onChange: () -> Unit) : MutableMap<K, V>
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class PointBatch(val geometry: VertexBuffer, val drawStyle: VertexBuffer)
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class RectangleBatch(val geometry: VertexBuffer, val drawStyle: VertexBuffer)
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interface RenderTarget
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class RenderTargetBuilder(renderTarget: RenderTarget)
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class ResizableColorBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double = 1.0, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, levels: Int = 1, session: Session? =
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class ResizableRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double = 1.0, multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, session: Session?, val builder: RenderTargetBuilder.() -> Unit)
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class Session(val parent: Session?)


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class SessionStatistics(val renderTargets: Int, val colorBuffers: Int, val depthBuffers: Int, val bufferTextures: Int, val indexBuffers: Int, val vertexBuffers: Int, val shaders: Int, val cubemaps: Int, val arrayTextures: Int, val computeShaders: Int, val atomicCounterBuffers: Int, val arrayCubemaps: Int, val shaderStorageBuffers: Int)

Session statistics

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expect interface ShaderStorageBuffer
actual interface ShaderStorageBuffer
actual interface ShaderStorageBuffer
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data class ShaderStoragePrimitive(val name: String, val type: BufferPrimitiveType, val arraySize: Int = 1, var offset: Int = 0, var padding: Int = 0) : ShaderStorageElement
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data class ShaderStorageStruct(val structName: String, val name: String, val elements: List<ShaderStorageElement>, val arraySize: Int = 1, var offset: Int = 0) : ShaderStorageElement
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interface ShaderUniforms
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expect class ShaderWatcher
actual class ShaderWatcher
actual class ShaderWatcher
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data class ShadeStructure(var structDefinitions: String? = null, var uniforms: String? = null, var attributes: String? = null, var buffers: String? = null, var vertexTransform: String? = null, var geometryTransform: String? = null, var fragmentTransform: String? = null, var vertexPreamble: String? = null, var geometryPreamble: String? = null, var fragmentPreamble: String? = null, var outputs: String? = null, var varyingOut: String? = null, var varyingIn: String? = null, var varyingBridge: String? = null, var suppressDefaultOutput: Boolean = false)
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A Filter that uses the ShadeStyle interface and language

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expect class ShadeStyleGLSL

A collection of granules, or template functions for writing stylable shaders in GLSL. ShadeStyleGLSL is used in OPENRNDR's shader generators but is exposed to the user such that they too can write shader generators.

actual class ShadeStyleGLSL

A collection of granules, or template functions for writing stylable shaders in GLSL. ShadeStyleGLSL is used in OPENRNDR's shader generators but is exposed to the user such that they too can write shader generators.

actual class ShadeStyleGLSL

A collection of granules, or template functions for writing stylable shaders in GLSL. ShadeStyleGLSL is used in OPENRNDR's shader generators but is exposed to the user such that they too can write shader generators.

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abstract class ShadeStyleManager(val name: String)
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data class ShadeStyleOutput(val attachment: Int, val format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, val type: ColorType = ColorType.FLOAT32)
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data class StencilStyle(var stencilFailOperation: StencilOperation = StencilOperation.KEEP, var depthFailOperation: StencilOperation = StencilOperation.KEEP, var depthPassOperation: StencilOperation = StencilOperation.KEEP, var stencilTestMask: Int = 255, var stencilTestReference: Int = 0, var stencilWriteMask: Int = 255, var stencilTest: StencilTest = StencilTest.DISABLED)
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open class Struct<T : Struct<T>>

Struct definition

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class StructuredBuffer<T : Struct<T>>(val struct: T, val ssbo: ShaderStorageBuffer)
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interface StyleParameters
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interface UniformBlock
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data class UniformBlockLayout(val sizeInBytes: Int, val entries: Map<String, UniformDescription>)
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data class UniformDescription(val name: String, val type: UniformType, val size: Int, val offset: Int, val stride: Int)
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expect abstract class VertexBuffer : AutoCloseable
actual abstract class VertexBuffer : AutoCloseable
actual abstract class VertexBuffer : AutoCloseable
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data class VertexElement(val attribute: String, val offset: Int, val type: VertexElementType, val arraySize: Int)
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Vertex element type enumeration

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VertexBuffer Layout describes how data is organized in the VertexBuffer

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expect interface VolumeTexture
actual interface VolumeTexture
actual interface VolumeTexture
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class VolumeTextureAttachment(val index: Int, val name: String?, val volumeTexture: VolumeTexture, val layer: Int, val level: Int) : ColorAttachment
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class VolumeTextureImageBinding(val volumeTexture: VolumeTexture, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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class VolumeTextureLayerImageBinding(val volumeTexture: VolumeTexture, val layer: Int, val level: Int, imageAccess: ImageAccess) : ImageBinding
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Texture wrapping mode


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fun arrayCubemap(width: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), levels: Int = 1, session: Session = ArrayCubemap

Creates an array cubemap

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fun arrayTexture(width: Int, height: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), levels: Int = 1, session: Session = ArrayTexture

Creates an array texture

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fun bufferTexture(elementCount: Int, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = ColorType.FLOAT32, session: Session? = BufferTexture

create a BufferTexture

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Create a stored batch of circles

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fun colorBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double = 1.0, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, levels: Int = 1, session: Session? = ColorBuffer

create a ColorBuffer

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fun computeShader1DExecuteSize(workGroupSize: IntVector3, dataSize: Int): IntVector3

Determines optimal size of ComputeShader execution for 1-dimensional data of variable size.

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Determines optimal size of ComputeShader execution for 2-dimensional data of variable size.

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Determines optimal size of ComputeShader execution for 3-dimensional data of variable size.

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fun constant(color: ColorRGBa, ignoreAlpha: Boolean = true): Matrix55
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fun ColorBuffer.createEquivalent(width: Int = this.width, height: Int = this.height, contentScale: Double = this.contentScale, format: ColorFormat = this.format, type: ColorType = this.type, multisample: BufferMultisample = this.multisample, levels: Int = this.levels): ColorBuffer

create an equivalent ColorBuffer, with the option to override attributes

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fun cubemap(width: Int, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), levels: Int = 1, session: Session? = Cubemap
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Return the default color type for format

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fun depthBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, format: DepthFormat = DepthFormat.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, multisample: BufferMultisample): DepthBuffer
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creates and starts a DrawThread

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fun ComputeStyle.execute(width: Int = 1, height: Int = 1, depth: Int = 1)
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fun filterShaderFromCode(fragmentShaderCode: String, name: String, includeShaderConfiguration: Boolean = true): Shader
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fun grayscale(r: Double = 0.33, g: Double = 0.33, b: Double = 0.33): Matrix55
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fun imageProxy(file: File, queue: Boolean = true, persistent: Boolean = false): ColorBufferProxy
fun imageProxy(fileOrUrl: String, queue: Boolean = true, persistent: Boolean = false): ColorBufferProxy
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fun indexBuffer(elementCount: Int, type: IndexType): IndexBuffer
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fun ColorBuffer.isEquivalentTo(other: ColorBuffer, ignoreWidth: Boolean = false, ignoreHeight: Boolean = false, ignoreContentScale: Boolean = false, ignoreFormat: Boolean = false, ignoreType: Boolean = false, ignoreMultisample: Boolean = false, ignoreLevels: Boolean = false): Boolean

check if this ColorBuffer is equivalent to other

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fun Drawer.isolated(function: Drawer.() -> Unit)

Pushes style and model-view-projection matrices, calls function and pops.

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fun Drawer.isolatedWithTarget(target: RenderTarget, function: Drawer.() -> Unit)

Pushes style and model-view-projection matrices, sets render target, calls function and pops.

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fun DrawThread.launch(context: CoroutineContext = this.dispatcher, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job

launches a coroutine on the DrawThread

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fun loadBufferTexture(file: File, formatHint: BufferTextureFileFormat? = BufferTextureFileFormat.ORB, session: Session? = BufferTexture

load a buffer texture from a file

fun loadBufferTexture(url: URL, formatHint: BufferTextureFileFormat? = BufferTextureFileFormat.ORB, session: Session? = BufferTexture

load a BufferTexture from a url

fun loadBufferTexture(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: BufferTextureFileFormat? = BufferTextureFileFormat.ORB, session: Session? = BufferTexture

load a buffer texture from file or url

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fun loadCubemap(data: CubemapImageData, session: Session? = Cubemap
fun loadCubemap(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = ImageFileFormat.DDS, session: Session? = Cubemap
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fun loadFont(fileOrUrl: String, size: Double, characterSet: Set<Char> = defaultFontmapCharacterSet, contentScale: Double = 1.0): FontImageMap
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expect fun loadImage(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = ImageFileFormat.guessFromExtension(fileOrUrl.split(".").last()), allowSRGB: Boolean = true, loadMipmaps: Boolean = true, session: Session? = ColorBuffer

load an image from a file or url encoded as String, also accepts base64 encoded data urls

fun loadImage(buffer: MPPBuffer, name: String? = null, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = null, allowSRGB: Boolean = true, session: Session? = ColorBuffer
actual fun loadImage(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat?, allowSRGB: Boolean, loadMipmaps: Boolean, session: Session?): ColorBuffer

load an image from a file or url encoded as String, also accepts base64 encoded data urls

fun loadImage(file: File, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = ImageFileFormat.guessFromExtension(file.extension), allowSRGB: Boolean = true, loadMipmaps: Boolean = true, session: Session? = ColorBuffer

load an image from File

fun loadImage(url: URL, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = ImageFileFormat.guessFromExtension(url.toExternalForm().split(".").lastOrNull()), allowSRGB: Boolean = true, loadMipmaps: Boolean = true, session: Session? = ColorBuffer

load an image from an url

actual fun loadImage(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat?, allowSRGB: Boolean, loadMipmaps: Boolean, session: Session?): ColorBuffer

load an image from a file or url encoded as String, also accepts base64 encoded data urls

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expect suspend fun loadImageSuspend(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat? = null, allowSRGB: Boolean = true, session: Session? = ColorBuffer
actual suspend fun loadImageSuspend(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat?, allowSRGB: Boolean, session: Session?): ColorBuffer
actual suspend fun loadImageSuspend(fileOrUrl: String, formatHint: ImageFileFormat?, allowSRGB: Boolean, session: Session?): ColorBuffer
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inline fun <T : Struct<T>> StyleParameters.parameter(name: String, value: T)
inline fun <T : Struct<T>> StyleParameters.parameter(name: String, value: Array<T>)
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fun <T> persistent(builder: () -> T): T

Mark a GPU resource or code that uses GPU resources as persistent

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Create a stored batch of points

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Probe an image located at fileOrUrl

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Create a stored batch of rectangles

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inline fun <T : Struct<T>> StyleBufferBindings.registerStructuredBuffer(name: String, access: BufferAccess = BufferAccess.READ_WRITE, flags: Set<BufferFlag> = emptySet())
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fun renderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double = 1.0, multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, session: Session? =, builder: RenderTargetBuilder.() -> Unit): RenderTarget

build a RenderTarget

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fun resizableColorBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double = 1.0, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, levels: Int = 1, session: Session? = ResizableColorBuffer
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fun resizableRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double, multisample: BufferMultisample = BufferMultisample.Disabled, session: Session? =, builder: RenderTargetBuilder.() -> Unit): ResizableRenderTarget
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fun session(code: () -> Unit)

Runs code inside a (short-lived) session

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fun shadeStyle(builder: ShadeStyle.() -> Unit): ShadeStyle
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inline fun <F> shadeStyleType(): String
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inline fun <F> shadeStyleTypeOrNull(): String?
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fun tint(color: ColorRGBa): Matrix55
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inline fun <T : Struct<out T>> Struct<out T>.typeDef(name: String = T::class.simpleName!!, bufferDefinition: Boolean = false): String
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fun <T : Struct<T>> Struct<T>.typeDefImpl(name: String, bufferDefinition: Boolean = false): String
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fun vertexBuffer(vertexFormat: VertexFormat, vertexCount: Int, session: Session? = VertexBuffer

VertexBuffer builder function.

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Build a vertex format

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fun volumeTexture(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), levels: Int = 1, session: Session? = VolumeTexture
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fun BufferWriter.write(drawStyle: DrawStyle)


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actual val useContextBlock: Boolean = false
actual val useContextBlock: Boolean = false
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actual val useStyleBlock: Boolean = false
actual val useStyleBlock: Boolean = false