
data class ShapeContour(val segments: List<Segment2D>, val closed: Boolean, val polarity: YPolarity = YPolarity.CW_NEGATIVE_Y) : ShapeProvider, ShapeContourProvider, Path<Vector2> (source)

A List for managing a collection of Segment2Ds.


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constructor(segments: List<Segment2D>, closed: Boolean, polarity: YPolarity = YPolarity.CW_NEGATIVE_Y)


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object Companion


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Calculates the bounding box of the contour as Rectangle.

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Returns the ShapeContour, but with a clockwise winding.

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open override val closed: Boolean
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open override val contour: ShapeContour

the provided contour

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Returns the ShapeContour, but with a counterclockwise winding.

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open override val empty: Boolean

Returns true if ShapeContour doesn't contain any Segment2Ds.

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Converts to a List of single Segment2Ds.

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open override val infinity: Vector2
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open override val length: Double

Calculates approximate Euclidean length of the contour.

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Opens the path of the ShapeContour.

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Reverses the direction of Segment2Ds and their order.

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open override val segments: List<Segment2D>
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open override val shape: Shape

Returns Shape representation.

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Determines the winding order of the ShapeContour.


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open fun adaptivePositions(distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): List<Vector2>

Recursively subdivides linear Segment2Ds to approximate Bézier curves.

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fun adaptivePositionsAndCorners(distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): Pair<List<Vector2>, List<Boolean>>

Recursively subdivides linear Segment2Ds to approximate Bézier curves.

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open fun adaptivePositionsWithT(distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): List<Pair<Vector2, Double>>
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Closes the path of the ShapeContour.

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operator fun ShapeContour.contains(point: Vector2): Boolean

Returns true if given point lies inside the ShapeContour.

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Applies a boolean difference operation between the ShapeContour and another Shape.

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open fun direction(ut: Double): Vector2
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open fun equidistantPositions(pointCount: Int, distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): List<Vector2>

Returns specified amount of points of equal distance from each other.

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open fun equidistantPositionsWithT(pointCount: Int, distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): List<Pair<Vector2, Double>>
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Applies a boolean intersection operation between the ShapeContour and a Shape.

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Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and a Segment2D.

Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and a Shape.

Calculates a List of all intersections between the ShapeContour and another ShapeContour.

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Projects a point on the ShapeContour

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Calculates the normal for the given ut.

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fun on(point: Vector2, error: Double = 5.0): Double?

Checks if given point lies on the path of the ShapeContour.

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operator fun plus(other: ShapeContour): ShapeContour
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open fun pointAtLength(length: Double, distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): Vector2

Calculates the point at a given distance along this ShapeContour.

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Calculates the pose Matrix44 (i.e. translation and rotation) that describes an orthonormal basis formed by normal and tangent of the contour at t.

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open fun position(ut: Double): Vector2

Returns a point on the path of the ShapeContour.

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Samples the ShapeContour into equidistant linear Segment2Ds.

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fun sampleLinear(distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): ShapeContour

Adaptively samples the contour into a new ShapeContour of linear Segment2Ds while still approximating the original contour.

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open fun segment(ut: Double): Pair<Int, Double>

Returns segment number and segment offset in a ShapeContour for the given ut.

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open override fun sub(t0: Double, t1: Double): ShapeContour

Samples a new ShapeContour from the current ShapeContour starting at t0 and ending at t1.

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open fun tForLength(length: Double): Double

Estimates the t value for a given length.

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Applies linear transformation to ShapeContour.

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Applies a boolean org.openrndr.shape.union operation between the ShapeContour and a Shape.