
expect abstract class ArrayTexture(source)
actual abstract class ArrayTexture(source)
actual abstract class ArrayTexture(source)


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expect val bounds: Rectangle
actual val bounds: Rectangle
actual val bounds: Rectangle
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expect abstract var filterMag: MagnifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes larger than the original

actual abstract var filterMag: MagnifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes larger than the original

actual abstract var filterMag: MagnifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes larger than the original

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expect abstract var filterMin: MinifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes smaller than the original

actual abstract var filterMin: MinifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes smaller than the original

actual abstract var filterMin: MinifyingFilter

the filter to use when displaying at sizes smaller than the original

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expect abstract var flipV: Boolean
actual abstract var flipV: Boolean
actual abstract var flipV: Boolean
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expect abstract val format: ColorFormat
actual abstract val format: ColorFormat
actual abstract val format: ColorFormat
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expect abstract val height: Int
actual abstract val height: Int
actual abstract val height: Int
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expect abstract val layers: Int
actual abstract val layers: Int
actual abstract val layers: Int
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expect abstract val levels: Int
actual abstract val levels: Int
actual abstract val levels: Int
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expect abstract val session: Session?
actual abstract val session: Session?
actual abstract val session: Session?
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expect abstract val type: ColorType
actual abstract val type: ColorType
actual abstract val type: ColorType
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expect abstract val width: Int
actual abstract val width: Int
actual abstract val width: Int
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expect abstract var wrapU: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the horizontal direction

actual abstract var wrapU: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the horizontal direction

actual abstract var wrapU: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the horizontal direction

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expect abstract var wrapV: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the vertical direction

actual abstract var wrapV: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the vertical direction

actual abstract var wrapV: WrapMode

the wrapping mode to use in the vertical direction


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expect abstract fun bind(unit: Int)
actual abstract fun bind(unit: Int)
actual abstract fun bind(unit: Int)
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expect abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ColorBuffer, fromLevel: Int = 0, toLevel: Int = 0)
expect abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ArrayTexture, targetLayer: Int, fromLevel: Int = 0, toLevel: Int = 0)

Copy contents in layer to target ColorBuffer

actual abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ColorBuffer, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ArrayTexture, targetLayer: Int, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)

Copy contents in layer to target ColorBuffer

actual abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ColorBuffer, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)
actual abstract fun copyTo(layer: Int, target: ArrayTexture, targetLayer: Int, fromLevel: Int, toLevel: Int)

Copy contents in layer to target ColorBuffer

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expect abstract fun destroy()
actual abstract fun destroy()
actual abstract fun destroy()
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expect abstract fun fill(color: ColorRGBa, layer: Int, level: Int = 0)
actual abstract fun fill(color: ColorRGBa, layer: Int, level: Int)
actual abstract fun fill(color: ColorRGBa, layer: Int, level: Int)
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expect abstract fun generateMipmaps()

generates mipmaps from the top-level mipmap

actual abstract fun generateMipmaps()

generates mipmaps from the top-level mipmap

actual abstract fun generateMipmaps()

generates mipmaps from the top-level mipmap

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abstract fun read(layer: Int, buffer: ByteBuffer, level: Int = 0)
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abstract fun write(layer: Int, buffer: ByteBuffer, sourceFormat: ColorFormat = format, sourceType: ColorType = type, level: Int = 0)

Write to a single layer in the array texture