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Returns machine-specific default device

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Returns machine-specific default device

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fun fromDevice(deviceName: String = defaultDevice(), mode: PlayMode = PlayMode.VIDEO, frameRate: Double? = null, imageWidth: Int? = null, imageHeight: Int? = null, configuration: VideoPlayerConfiguration = VideoPlayerConfiguration()): VideoPlayerFFMPEG

Opens a webcam or video device

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fun fromFile(fileName: String, mode: PlayMode = PlayMode.BOTH, configuration: VideoPlayerConfiguration = VideoPlayerConfiguration(), clock: () -> Double = { System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.0 }): VideoPlayerFFMPEG

Opens a video from file or url

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fun fromScreen(screenName: String = defaultScreenDevice(), mode: PlayMode = PlayMode.VIDEO, frameRate: Double? = null, imageWidth: Int? = null, imageHeight: Int? = null, configuration: VideoPlayerConfiguration = screenRecordingConfiguration): VideoPlayerFFMPEG

Opens the screen for grabbing frames See

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Lists the available machine-specific device names