Package-level declarations


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class TransformBuilder(baseTransform: Matrix44 = Matrix44.IDENTITY)

Build a Matrix44 transform


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fun buildTransform(baseTransform: Matrix44 = Matrix44.IDENTITY, builder: TransformBuilder.() -> Unit): Matrix44

An alias for transform, useful for those cases in which the word transform is used too often

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fun frustum(left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double): Matrix44

Creates frustum matrix with the given bounds

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fun lookAt(eye: Vector3, target: Vector3, up: Vector3 = Vector3.UNIT_Y): Matrix44

Create a view matrix from a camera at position eye look at target

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Construct a normal matrix from the give view matrix

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fun ortho(xMag: Double, yMag: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double): Matrix44

Creates an orthographic projection matrix

fun ortho(left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double): Matrix44

Creates an orthographic projection matrix with the given bounds

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fun perspective(fovY: Double, aspectRatio: Double, zNear: Double): Matrix44

Creates an perspective projection matrix with infinite clipping depth

fun perspective(fovY: Double, aspectRatio: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double): Matrix44

Creates an perspective projection matrix

fun perspective(fovY: Double, aspectRatio: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double, xOffset: Double, yOffset: Double): Matrix44

Creates an perspective projection matrix with a shifted apex

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fun perspectiveHorizontal(fovY: Double, aspectRatio: Double, zNear: Double, zFar: Double, xOffset: Double, yOffset: Double): Matrix44

Creates an perspective projection matrix locking the horizontal view angle

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fun project(point: Vector3, projection: Matrix44, view: Matrix44, width: Int, height: Int): Vector3

Project a 3D point on a 2D surface

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Create a rotation matrix around the given axes

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Create a rotation matrix around the X axes

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Create a rotation matrix around the Y axes

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Create a rotation matrix around the Z axes

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Create a scaling matrix with the given vector

Create a scaling matrix with the given components

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fun transform(baseTransform: Matrix44 = Matrix44.IDENTITY, builder: TransformBuilder.() -> Unit): Matrix44

Build a transform presented by a Matrix44

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Matrix44 property transform helper

@JvmName(name = "matrix44Transform")
fun Matrix44.transform(builder: TransformBuilder.() -> Unit): Matrix44

Matrix44 transform helper

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Create a translate matrix with the given vector

Create a scaling matrix with the given components

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fun unproject(point: Vector3, projection: Matrix44, view: Matrix44, width: Int, height: Int): Vector3