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open override fun createArrayCubemap(width: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): ArrayCubemap
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open override fun createArrayTexture(width: Int, height: Int, layers: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): ArrayTexture
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open override fun createAtomicCounterBuffer(counterCount: Int, session: Session?): AtomicCounterBuffer
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open override fun createBufferTexture(elementCount: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, session: Session?): BufferTexture
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open override fun createColorBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, multisample: BufferMultisample, levels: Int, session: Session?): ColorBuffer
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open override fun createCubemap(width: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): Cubemap
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open override fun createDepthBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, format: DepthFormat, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): DepthBuffer
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open override fun createDynamicIndexBuffer(elementCount: Int, type: IndexType, session: Session?): IndexBuffer
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open override fun createDynamicVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, vertexCount: Int, session: Session?): VertexBuffer
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open override fun createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double, multisample: BufferMultisample, session: Session?): RenderTarget
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open override fun createShaderStorageBuffer(format: ShaderStorageFormat, session: Session?): ShaderStorageBuffer
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open override fun createShadeStyleManager(name: String, vsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String, tcsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?, tesGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?, gsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String?, fsGenerator: (ShadeStructure) -> String, session: Session?): ShadeStyleManager
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open override fun createStaticVertexBuffer(format: VertexFormat, buffer: Buffer, session: Session?): VertexBuffer
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open override fun createVolumeTexture(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: ColorFormat, type: ColorType, levels: Int, session: Session?): VolumeTexture
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open override fun drawIndexedInstances(shader: Shader, indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>, drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive, indexOffset: Int, indexCount: Int, instanceOffset: Int, instanceCount: Int, verticesPerPatch: Int)
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open override fun drawIndexedVertexBuffer(shader: Shader, indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive, indexOffset: Int, indexCount: Int, verticesPerPatch: Int)
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open override fun drawInstances(shader: Shader, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>, drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive, vertexOffset: Int, vertexCount: Int, instanceOffset: Int, instanceCount: Int, verticesPerPatch: Int)
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open override fun drawVertexBuffer(shader: Shader, vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>, drawPrimitive: DrawPrimitive, vertexOffset: Int, vertexCount: Int, verticesPerPatch: Int)
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