
data class Segment1D(val start: Double, val control: Array<Double>, val end: Double) : LinearType<Segment1D> (source)


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constructor(start: Double, control: Array<Double>, end: Double)


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fun adaptivePositions(distanceTolerance: Double = 25.0): List<Double>
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fun adaptivePositionsWithT(distanceTolerance: Double = 25.0): List<Pair<Double, Double>>
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open operator override fun div(scale: Double): Segment1D
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fun equidistantPositions(pointCount: Int, distanceTolerance: Double = 0.5): List<Double>
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open operator override fun minus(right: Segment1D): Segment1D
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open operator override fun plus(right: Segment1D): Segment1D
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fun sub(t0: Double, t1: Double): Segment1D
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open operator override fun times(scale: Double): Segment1D
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open override fun toString(): String


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val end: Double
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control points, zero-length iff the segment is linear

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