The CIELChUV color space is the cylindrical representation of the CIELUV color space.
luminance, in a range of 0.0 (darkest) to 100.0 (brightest)
hue in degrees, where a full rotation is 360.0 degrees
alpha as a percentage between 0.0 and 1.0
reference white against which the color values are calculated
See also
Represents the chromatic intensity of a color. Chroma is a measure of the color's vividness or strength, typically ranging from neutral gray tones (low chroma) to highly saturated, vivid colors (high chroma). This property can be manipulated to adjust the visual characteristics of the color.
Mixes the current hue with the specified hue using a linear interpolation factor.
Adjusts the chroma of the color by scaling it with the specified factor and returns a new instance with the updated chroma value. This method allows for proportionally increasing or decreasing the chromatic intensity of the color.
Returns a copy of the color with the opacity (alpha) multiplied by a factor.
Multiply the shade by a factor.
Adjusts the chroma of the color by the specified shift value and returns a new instance with the updated chroma. The resulting chroma is calculated by adding the provided shift value to the current chroma.
Shift the hue of a color by the given amount of degrees.
Converts the current color in the LCHUVa color space to its equivalent in the LSHUVa color space.
Creates a new instance of the implementing type with the specified chroma value.
Creates a new color instance with the specified hue value.