Package-level declarations


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expect abstract class Application

Application interface

actual abstract class Application

Application interface

actual abstract class Application

This class is responsible for selecting and initializing the appropriate graphics backend.

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expect abstract class ApplicationBase

This is accessible before finalizing the application in ApplicationBuilder.

actual abstract class ApplicationBase

This is accessible before finalizing the application in ApplicationBuilder.

actual abstract class ApplicationBase

This is accessible before finalizing the application in ApplicationBuilder.

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abstract class ApplicationBuilder
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Application configuration object

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class ApplicationMouse(application: () -> Application) : MouseEvents

Mouse events

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ApplicationPreload can be used to configure Application and Program without changing user code.

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abstract class ApplicationWindow(val program: Program)
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class ApplicationWindowMouse(applicationWindow: () -> ApplicationWindow) : MouseEvents
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data class AssetMetadata(val programName: String, val assetBaseName: String, val assetProperties: Map<String, String>)
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data class CharacterEvent(val character: Char, val modifiers: Set<KeyModifier>)
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interface Clipboard
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interface Clock
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Mouse cursor types

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expect class Dispatcher
actual class Dispatcher
actual class Dispatcher : MainCoroutineDispatcher, Delay
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abstract class Display

Any coordinates or positions are provided as screen coordinates, which may or may not be equivalent to pixel coordinates, depending on your setup.

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data class DropEvent(val position: Vector2, val files: List<String>)

window drop item event message

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interface Extension

Defines a Program extension. This is the interface for developers of OPENRNDR extensions.

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annotation class ExtensionDslMarker
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Indicates the stage in which the extension is

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Fullscreen mode

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interface InputEvents
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Keyboard events in a single class

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data class KeyEvent(val type: KeyEventType, val key: Int, val name: String, val modifiers: Set<KeyModifier>)

Key event describes key events.

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interface KeyEvents
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Key event type enumeration

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Key modifier enumeration

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class KeyTracker(keyEvents: KeyEvents)
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Mouse button enumeration

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data class MouseEvent(val position: Vector2, val rotation: Vector2, val dragDisplacement: Vector2, val type: MouseEventType, val button: MouseButton, val modifiers: Set<KeyModifier>)

Mouse event message

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interface MouseEvents
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Mouse event type enumeration

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class MouseTracker(mouseEvents: MouseEvents)

Keeps track of which mouse buttons are currently pressed. Usage: val mt = MouseTracker(mouse), then read mt.pressedButtons. Replaces MouseEvents.pressedButtons.

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data class Pointer(val position: Vector2, val primary: Boolean, val timestamp: Long)
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class Pointers(application: () -> Application)
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PresentationMode describes modes of frame presentation

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data class ProduceAssetsEvent(val origin: Any, val program: Program, val assetMetadata: AssetMetadata)
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program event message

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program event type

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open class ProgramImplementation(val suspend: Boolean = false) : Program

The Program class, this is where most user implementations start.

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data class RequestAssetsEvent(val origin: Any, val program: Program)
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interface Window
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data class WindowConfiguration(val title: String = "OPENRNDR", val position: IntVector2? = null, val width: Int = 640, val height: Int = 480, val resizable: Boolean = false, val closable: Boolean = true, val alwaysOnTop: Boolean = false, val hideDecorations: Boolean = false, val multisample: WindowMultisample = WindowMultisample.Disabled)
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data class WindowEvent(val type: WindowEventType, val position: Vector2, val size: Vector2, val focused: Boolean)

window event message

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sealed class WindowMultisample
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open class WindowProgram(val suspend: Boolean = false) : Program


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expect fun application(build: ApplicationBuilder.() -> Unit)
expect fun application(program: Program, configuration: Configuration = Configuration())
actual fun application(build: ApplicationBuilder.() -> Unit)

Creates and runs a synchronous OPENRNDR application using the provided ApplicationBuilder.

actual fun application(program: Program, configuration: Configuration)

Runs program as a synchronous application with the given configuration.

actual fun application(build: ApplicationBuilder.() -> Unit)

Creates and runs a synchronous OPENRNDR application using the provided ApplicationBuilder.

actual fun application(program: Program, configuration: Configuration)

Runs program as a synchronous application with the given configuration.

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Convenience function for building a new Configuration.

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fun Program.drawImage(width: Int, height: Int, contentScale: Double? = null, format: ColorFormat = ColorFormat.RGBa, type: ColorType = defaultColorType(format), multisample: BufferMultisample? = null, drawFunction: Drawer.() -> Unit): ColorBuffer

Create an image ColorBuffer by drawing it

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fun launch(block: suspend () -> Unit)
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fun Dispatcher.launch(start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job

fun Program.launch(context: CoroutineContext = dispatcher, start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit): Job

launch a coroutine in the Program context

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expect fun Program.namedTimestamp(extension: String = "", path: String? = null): String
actual fun Program.namedTimestamp(extension: String, path: String?): String
actual fun Program.namedTimestamp(extension: String, path: String?): String
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expect fun resourceText(name: String, class: KClass<*> = Application::class): String
actual fun resourceText(name: String, class: KClass<*>): String
actual fun resourceText(name: String, class: KClass<*>): String
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expect fun resourceUrl(name: String, class: KClass<*> = Application::class): String

Resolves resource named name relative to class as a String based URL.

actual fun resourceUrl(name: String, class: KClass<*>): String
actual fun resourceUrl(name: String, class: KClass<*>): String
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expect fun rootClassName(): String
actual fun rootClassName(): String
actual fun rootClassName(): String
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suspend fun throttle(timeMillis: Long)
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fun Program.window(configuration: WindowConfiguration = WindowConfiguration(), init: suspend Program.() -> Unit): ApplicationWindow


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const val KEY_ARROW_DOWN: Int = 264
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const val KEY_ARROW_LEFT: Int = 263
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const val KEY_ARROW_RIGHT: Int = 262
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const val KEY_ARROW_UP: Int = 265
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const val KEY_BACKSPACE: Int = 259
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const val KEY_CAPSLOCK: Int = 280
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const val KEY_DELETE: Int = 261
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const val KEY_END: Int = 269
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const val KEY_ENTER: Int = 257
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const val KEY_ESCAPE: Int = 256
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const val KEY_F1: Int = 290
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const val KEY_F10: Int = 299
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const val KEY_F11: Int = 300
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const val KEY_F12: Int = 301
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const val KEY_F2: Int = 291
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const val KEY_F3: Int = 292
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const val KEY_F4: Int = 293
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const val KEY_F5: Int = 294
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const val KEY_F6: Int = 295
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const val KEY_F7: Int = 296
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const val KEY_F8: Int = 297
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const val KEY_F9: Int = 298
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const val KEY_HOME: Int = 268
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const val KEY_INSERT: Int = 260
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const val KEY_LEFT_SHIFT: Int = 340
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const val KEY_PAGE_DOWN: Int = 267
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const val KEY_PAGE_UP: Int = 266
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const val KEY_PRINT_SCREEN: Int = 283
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const val KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT: Int = 344
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const val KEY_SPACEBAR: Int = 32
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const val KEY_TAB: Int = 258