
open class Struct<T : Struct<T>>(source)

Struct definition


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inner class ArrayField<F : Any>(val type: String, val length: Int)
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inner class Field<F : Any>(val type: String)


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inline fun <F : Any> arrayField(length: Int): Struct.ArrayField<F, T>

define a struct field that is an array of type F and size length

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inline fun <F : Any> field(): Struct.Field<F, T>

define a struct field of type F

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inline fun <T : Struct<out T>> Struct<out T>.typeDef(name: String = T::class.simpleName!!, bufferDefinition: Boolean = false): String
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fun <T : Struct<T>> Struct<T>.typeDefImpl(name: String, bufferDefinition: Boolean = false): String


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