Finds the intersection point between two LineSegments.
Returns Vector2.INFINITY if none exists.
The first line segment.
The second line segment.
How far outside the t value are intersections considered.
Finds the intersection point between two LineSegments.
Returns Vector2.INFINITY if none exists.
The start of the first line segment.
The end of the first line segment.
The start of the second line segment.
The end of the second line segment.
How far outside the t value are intersections considered.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between two ShapeContours.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between a Shape and a ShapeContour.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between a ShapeContour and Shape.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between two Shapes.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between a List of Shapes and a ShapeContour.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between a List of Shapes and a Shape.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between two Lists of Shapes.
Applies a boolean intersection operation iteratively between a List of Shapes and a two-dimensional List of Shapes.
with is traversed and a boolean intersection is applied between from and each element.
Applies a boolean intersection operation between the ShapeContour and a Shape.