Linearly maps a value, which is given in the before domain to a value in the after domain.
a value in the after range
the lowest value of the before range
the highest value of the before range
the lowest value of the after range
the highest value of the after range
the value to be mapped
constrain the result to the after range
Linearly maps a value, which is given in the before domain to a value in the after domain.
a value in the after range
the before range
the after range
the value to be mapped
constrain the result to the after range
Linearly maps a value, which is given in the before domain to a value in the after domain
a value in the after range
the lowest value of the before range
the highest value of the before range
the lowest value of the after range
the highest value of the after range
constrain the result to the after range
Linearly maps a value, which is given in the before domain to a value in the after domain.
a value in the after range