
A utility class for drawing vertex buffers with specified styles, primitives, and attributes.

This class manages the rendering process of vertex buffers using specific shaders generated through the associated ShadeStyleManager. It provides methods to handle drawing both regular vertex buffers and indexed vertex buffers, as well as drawing with instanced attributes.


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fun drawVertexBuffer(    drawContext: DrawContext,     drawStyle: DrawStyle,     primitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     offset: Int,     vertexCount: Int)
fun drawVertexBuffer(    drawContext: DrawContext,     drawStyle: DrawStyle,     primitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     offset: Int,     indexCount: Int)
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fun drawVertexBufferInstances(    drawContext: DrawContext,     drawStyle: DrawStyle,     primitive: DrawPrimitive,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     offset: Int,     vertexCount: Int,     instanceCount: Int)
fun drawVertexBufferInstances(    drawContext: DrawContext,     drawStyle: DrawStyle,     primitive: DrawPrimitive,     indexBuffer: IndexBuffer,     vertexBuffers: List<VertexBuffer>,     instanceAttributes: List<VertexBuffer>,     offset: Int,     indexCount: Int,     instanceCount: Int)

Renders multiple instances of a vertex buffer with attributes applied per instance.