Package-level declarations
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class MetadataRetriever
A class to retrieve metadata, typically from video files, but compatible with any media accepted by ffprobe.
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ScreenRecorder extension can be used to record to contents of a Program
to a video
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class VideoEvent
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class VideoPlayerConfiguration
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class VideoPlayerFFMPEG
Video player based on FFMPEG
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class VideoStatistics
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class VideoWriter
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fun Program.loadVideo(fileOrUrl: String, mode: PlayMode = PlayMode.BOTH, configuration: VideoPlayerConfiguration = VideoPlayerConfiguration()): VideoPlayerFFMPEG
Load a video
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fun loadVideoDevice(deviceName: String = VideoPlayerFFMPEG.defaultDevice(), mode: PlayMode = PlayMode.VIDEO, width: Int? = null, height: Int? = null, frameRate: Double? = null, configuration: VideoPlayerConfiguration = VideoPlayerConfiguration()): VideoPlayerFFMPEG