Package-level declarations
Allows performing select algebraic operations on colors of this kind.
Represents a color that contains chroma information, provides utility methods for manipulating chroma values, and can produce a new instance of the implementing type with adjusted chroma values.
The HSL color space.
The HSV color space.
The CIELAB color space, more commonly known as Lab.
The CIELChAB color space is the cylindrical representation of the CIELAB color space.
The CIELChUV color space is the cylindrical representation of the CIELUV color space.
Based on ColorLCHABa, but instead tries to use a normalized chroma.
Based on ColorLCHUVa, but instead tries to use a normalized chroma.
A generic RGB color space capable of representing both the linear and the sRGB color spaces.
Practically identical to ColorHSLa, but for mapping colors to classical painter's scheme of complementary colors.
Practically identical to ColorHSVa, but for mapping colors to classical painter's scheme of complementary colors.
The CIE XYZ color space.
The Yxy color space, also known as the xyY color space.
Represents an interface for objects that can be converted into an instance of ColorRGBa.
Represents a color interface capable of hue manipulation.
An interface representing a color with adjustable luminosity. It provides methods to modify or manipulate the luminosity of a color and access its current luminosity value.
Represents a reference white point used in color calculations. A reference white point is a standard defining the white color under specific lighting conditions, serving as a baseline for measurements and color conversions in a color space.
Represents a color that can have its shade manipulated.
Weighted mix between two colors in the HSL color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the HSVa color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the LChAB color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the LChUV color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the generic RGB color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the XSL color space.
Weighted mix between two colors in the XSV color space.
Shorthand for calling ColorRGBa.fromHex. Creates a ColorRGBa from a hex string.
Shorthand for calling ColorRGBa.
Shorthand for calling ColorRGBa. Specify only one value to obtain a shade of gray.