
data class BooleanVector3(val x: Boolean, val y: Boolean, val z: Boolean)(source)

Boolean 3D vector


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constructor(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean)


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object Companion


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fun toIntVector3(x: Int = if (this.x) 1 else 0, y: Int = if (this.y) 1 else 0, z: Int = if (this.z) 1 else 0): IntVector3

Casts to IntVector3.

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fun toVector3(x: Double = if (this.x) 1.0 else 0.0, y: Double = if (this.y) 1.0 else 0.0, z: Double = if (this.z) 1.0 else 0.0): Vector3

Casts to Vector3.


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val x: Boolean
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val y: Boolean
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val z: Boolean