Configuration class to customize the behavior, appearance, and settings of a window in an application.
If the cursor is hidden in what way should it be hidden?
The display on which to create the window. All currently detected Displays can be found in the displays
list inside ApplicationBuilder. Defaults to null
which means to use your primary monitor.
Should the window be made fullscreen?
Should the cursor be hidden?
Should window decorations be hidden?
The maximum window height
The maximum window width
The minimum window height
The minimum window width
Should the window render target use multisampling?
The window position. The window will be placed in the center of the primary screen when set to null
Should the window be made visible before calling setup?
The window and drawing behaviour on window unfocus
Should the window be always on top (floating)
Should the created window be resizable?
Should the window icon be set to the openrndr pink icon?
Should the window be transparent