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abstract fun gluBeginPolygon()
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abstract fun gluDeleteTess()
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abstract fun gluEndPolygon()
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abstract fun gluGetTessProperty(which: Int, value: DoubleArray, value_offset: Int)
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abstract fun gluNextContour(type: Int)
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abstract fun gluTessBeginContour()
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abstract fun gluTessBeginPolygon(data: Any?)
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abstract fun gluTessCallback(which: Int, aCallback: GLUtessellatorCallback?)
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abstract fun gluTessEndContour()
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abstract fun gluTessEndPolygon()
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abstract fun gluTessNormal(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)
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abstract fun gluTessProperty(which: Int, value: Double)
open fun gluTessProperty(which: Int, value: Int)
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abstract fun gluTessVertex(coords: DoubleArray, coords_offset: Int, vertexData: Any?)