
class TransformBuilder(baseTransform: Matrix44 = Matrix44.IDENTITY)(source)

Build a Matrix44 transform


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constructor(baseTransform: Matrix44 = Matrix44.IDENTITY)


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fun multiply(matrix: Matrix44)

multiply by matrix

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fun rotate(degreesInAngles: Double)
fun rotate(quaternion: Quaternion)

rotate by quaternion

fun rotate(axis: Vector3 = Vector3.UNIT_Z, degrees: Double)
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fun scale(scale: Double)
fun scale(scale: Vector3)

scale by scale

fun scale(scaleX: Double, scaleY: Double, scaleZ: Double = 1.0)
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fun translate(offset: Vector2)
fun translate(offset: Vector3)

translate by offset

fun translate(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double = 0.0)

translate by x, y, z