Issues a draw call for rendering geometry using multiple vertex buffers with instancing.
A list of vertex buffers containing per-vertex attributes for the geometry.
A list of vertex buffers containing per-instance attributes for instanced rendering.
The type of geometric primitive to be drawn (e.g., triangles, lines).
The number of instances of the geometry to render.
The starting position in the vertex buffer from which to begin drawing.
The number of vertices to be rendered. Defaults to the vertex count of the first vertex buffer.
Draws instances of a vertex buffer with the specified parameters.
The index buffer containing indices to define the vertices to be drawn.
A list of vertex buffers that define the vertex data for rendering.
A list of vertex buffers that define attributes for each instance.
The primitive type used for rendering (e.g., triangles, lines).
The number of instances to render.
The starting index in the index buffer for drawing, defaults to 0.
The number of indices to use for drawing, defaults to the total index count in the index buffer.