Draws multiple circles at specified positions with a given radius.
A list of positions where each circle will be drawn. Each position is represented as a Vector2 object.
The radius of the circles to be drawn.
Draws multiple circles on a given context using specified positions and radii.
A list of Vector2 objects representing the positions of the circle centers.
A list of Double values representing the radii of the circles, corresponding to each position.
Draws the given list of circles using the specified drawing context and style.
A list of Circle objects to be drawn.
Draws multiple circles in a batch using the specified drawing context and style.
The batch of circles to be drawn.
The number of circles to draw from the batch. Defaults to the size of the batch.
Draws a batch of circles on a canvas using the provided building instructions.
A lambda with receiver that defines the properties and parameters for creating a batch of circles using the CircleBatchBuilder.