Renders multiple instances of a vertex buffer with attributes applied per instance.
This method executes instance-based rendering using a collection of vertex buffers and instance-specific attributes. The rendering settings and behavior are defined by the provided draw context and draw style.
The current drawing context containing transformation matrices and other parameters necessary for rendering.
The style settings including fill, stroke, and other graphical properties used for rendering.
The type of drawing primitive (e.g., TRIANGLES, LINES) to use during rendering.
The list of vertex buffers containing vertex data such as position, color, or texture coordinates.
The list of vertex buffers containing attribute data specific to each instance (e.g., transformation matrices or instance-level properties).
The starting offset in the vertex buffer to begin reading vertex data.
The number of vertices to use from the vertex buffers for rendering each instance.
The number of instances of the specified primitive to render.
Renders multiple instances of a vertex buffer with attributes applied per instance.
This method uses the specified index buffer, vertex buffers, and instance attributes to draw multiple instances of graphical primitives. The rendering settings and styling are determined by the provided draw context and draw style.
The current drawing context containing transformation matrices and other parameters necessary for rendering.
The style settings, including fill, stroke, and other graphical properties used for rendering.
The type of drawing primitive (e.g., TRIANGLES, LINES) to use during rendering.
The index buffer containing indices that define how vertices should be combined to create the specified primitives.
The list of vertex buffers containing vertex data such as position, color, or texture coordinates.
The list of vertex buffers containing per-instance attribute data (e.g., transformations or instance-specific properties).
The starting offset in the index buffer for rendering.
The number of indices from the index buffer to be used for rendering.
The number of instances of the specified primitive to render.