Draws a list of 2D points using the specified drawing context and style.
The drawing context that provides transformation matrices and rendering parameters.
The style that defines the visual appearance of the points, such as color and stroke settings.
The list of 2D points to be drawn, each represented as a Vector2
Draws a list of 3D points using the specified drawing context and style.
The drawing context that provides transformation matrices and rendering parameters.
The style that defines the visual appearance of the points, such as color and stroke settings.
The list of 3D points to be drawn, each represented as a Vector3
Draws a batch of points using the specified drawing context and style.
The drawing context that provides transformation matrices and rendering parameters.
The style that defines the visual appearance of the points, such as color and stroke settings.
A batch containing the geometry and associated drawing styles for the points.
The number of points to be drawn from the batch.