
fun drawLineLoops(drawContext: DrawContext, drawStyle: DrawStyle, loops: List<List<Vector2>>)(source)

Draws a series of connected line loops using the specified drawing context and style.

This function processes a list of loops, where each loop is a list of 2D points. Each loop is rendered as a sequence of connected line segments, closing the loop where the last point connects back to the first point of the loop. The drawing operation utilizes the provided DrawContext for its transformation matrices and the DrawStyle to apply appearance settings.



The drawing context containing transformation matrices and settings for rendering.


The style parameters that define the appearance of the line loops, such as color, thickness, and other visual properties.


A list of loops, where each loop is a list of 2D points. Each loop defines a closed series of line segments to be drawn.

@JvmName(name = "drawLineLoops3d")
fun drawLineLoops(drawContext: DrawContext, drawStyle: DrawStyle, loops: List<List<Vector3>>)(source)

Draws a series of connected line loops in 3D space using the specified drawing context and style.

This function processes a list of loops, where each loop is a list of 3D points. Each loop is rendered as a sequence of connected line segments, closing the loop where the last point connects back to the first point of the loop. The drawing operation utilizes the provided DrawContext for its transformation matrices and the DrawStyle to apply appearance settings.



The drawing context containing transformation matrices and settings for rendering.


The style parameters that define the appearance of the line loops, such as color, thickness, and other visual properties.


A list of loops, where each loop is a list of 3D points. Each loop defines a closed series of line segments to be drawn.